Military History (page 2)

January 16th 1991: The day when began Operation Desert Storm: A Turning Point in Modern Warfare

January 16th 1991: The day when began Operation Desert Storm: A Turning Point in Modern Warfare

January 16th is a day etched in modern history as the beginning of the Persian Gulf War, specifically marked by the initiation of Operation Desert Storm. This date…

16. 01. 2024
Remembering the Wounded Knee Massacre: A dark chapter in American history

Remembering the Wounded Knee Massacre: A dark chapter in American history

The Wounded Knee Massacre, which took place on December 29, 1890, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, is a tragic and painful chapter in American history…

27. 12. 2023
Christmas during World War I: A brief glimpse into the truce of 1914

Christmas during World War I: A brief glimpse into the truce of 1914

Christmas is a time traditionally associated with peace, goodwill, and unity among people. However, during the dark days of World War I, when nations were engulfed in one of the…

24. 12. 2023
Remembering Pearl Harbor: December 7th 1941. Day when USA step in WW2

Remembering Pearl Harbor: December 7th 1941. Day when USA step in WW2

December 7th, 1941, marked a pivotal moment in history—a day that will forever be etched in the annals of time. On this date, the tranquil morning at Pearl…

07. 12. 2023