Russian artillery – the feared and capable enemy
Military operations in Ukraine since 2014 and the Russian invasion after 2022 in a large scale highlight the return of artillery to the forefront of the symetric warfare. The…
Military operations in Ukraine since 2014 and the Russian invasion after 2022 in a large scale highlight the return of artillery to the forefront of the symetric warfare. The…
Ukraine has launched an investigation into reported cases of desertion and abuse of authority linked to the 155th Mechanized Brigade, named after Anna of Kyiv. According…
The DITA self-propelled howitzer is a cutting-edge artillery system developed by the Czech defense company Excalibur Army. It represents the next generation of mobile, highly…
The French AMX 30 AuF1 (Automoteur modèle F1) system is a 155mm howitzer on the chassis of the 2nd generation AMX 30 main battle tank (MBT), which served in the French…
In April France and Germany signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at relaunching their joint Main Ground Combat System (MGCS) project, which had been stalled by disagreements…
The world premiere of the new Tatra Force e-Drive Hybrid 8x8 occurred at the Prague Exhibition Centre in Letňany in November during the e-Salon 2024 trade fair. It is the…
The Brazilian Armed Forces are seeking new armored combat vehicles, including Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs) and Main Battle Tanks (MBTs), to replace their aging equipment. Sweden, Spain…
The French Ministry of Defence is not considering any interim solution to replace the Leclerc tank while awaiting the entry into service of the Main Ground Combat System (MGCS)…
The primary arms suppliers to the Cypriot National Guard, a combined arms force representing the Republic of Cyprus's air, land, and sea capabilities, have long been France and Russia…
We had the opportunity to visit the Tatra Defence Vehicle company in Kopřivnice, where we were introduced to the new Czech armoured vehicle TADEAS. This vehicle's prototype made…
U.S. shipments of ammunition to Ukraine faced significant delays last year, primarily due to complications with a U.S. military contract with Germany’s national rail operator…
At the beggining of October, the Renk Group has received an order for the delivery of 50 HSWL284C transmissions intended for PzH 2000 artillery systems in use the Bundeswehr, but…