IDEB 2023 Show Coverage
This year International Defence and Security Technologies Fair IDEB at the Incheba Exhibition Centre in Bratislava presented a variety of military equipment, including state-of-the-art prototypes and demonstrators. During the 10th anniversary edition we could see products of representatives of the defence and security industry from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Israel, Hungary, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Great Britain and the United States of America.
Almost 100 exhibitors presented ground and aerial equipment, weapons including ammunition, artillery systems, demining machines, communication and monitoring systems, air conditioning for shelters and bunkers, equipment and armament, as well as technology and equipment for firefighting and rescue services. During the 3 days, selected military equipment of the Slovak Army and Military Police or Fire Rescue Corps was also on display. We have seen the remotely controlled self-propelled demining machine BOZENA 5, UH-60M chopper, tank LEOPARD 2 A4 or self-propelled howitzer Zuzana 2. Firefighters presented MB Unimog 5023 4×4 and Tatra 815/7 10×10 trucks.

From Czech companies at the IDEB trade fair, the state-owned company LOM PRAHA and its subsidiary VR Group presented their portfolio of products and services. VR Group brought a reconfigurable simulator for L-39NG and L-159 aircraft to Bratislava, featuring a full cockpit simulation for both types and the ability to perform missions against air and ground targets. VR Group is also involved in the H-1 project for the Czech Air Force, providing simulation training for AH-1Z Viper and UH-1Y Venom aircraft pilots. The company will also participate in the complete solution for the simulation training of crew members of tracked BVP CV90 vehicles for the Czech Army, and it has ambitions in the F-35 project as well.

At the booth of Colt CZ Group, we asked Craig Fresher - Director of Global Sales at Colt, about his assessment of the merger between Colt and CZUB after nearly two years.
Video: Assessment of the merger between Colt and CZUB / DEFENSE MAGAZINE
The company AGADOS known as trailer manufacturer also introduced us to its portfolio, which in addition to its own development and production of traditional trailers, focuses on special projects for the armed forces, particularly for the military and integrated emergency response units.
Video: IDEB 2023: Special Trailers - Army Programme (Agados) / DEFENSE MAGAZINE
At EVPÚ and EVPÚ Defence booth, among other things, visitor could see the upgraded remotely operated Turra 30 turret designed primarily for infantry fighting vehicles, the Gladius weapon station with a 12.7mm machine gun, or the container converter Solid-State Frequency Converter 300kVA.

AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE presented the advantages of the L-39NG fighter aircraft, which in addition to pilot training, is also suitable for light combat and reconnaissance missions.
The Swedish company BAE Systems Hägglunds presented the CV90120 vehicle, which is intended to serve as a light tank with a 120mm cannon on the proven CV90 chassis. Also on display was the first glimpse of the collaboration between the Swedish manufacturer and representatives of the Slovak defense industry in the production of the CV90 infantry fighting vehicle for the Slovak army - company Koval Systems.
Video: IDEB 2023: CV90120 vehicle / DEFENSE MAGAZINE
Slovak manufacturer KONŠTRUKTA – Defence introduced their new prototype of a self-propelled howitzer - BIA 6×6 - which combines the advantages of the Zuzana 2 and EVA howitzers into a compact artillery system.
The German firearms company Rheinmetall presented a technological demonstrator of the main battle tank Panther KF51 with a 130mm cannon at the trade fair, which is still in the testing phase.
Video: IDEB 2023: Panther KF51 main battle tank / DEFENSE MAGAZINE
This year took on the patronage of the show, in addition to the Slovak Ministry of Defense also the Slovak Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

Thanks to this, a comprehensive platform for the presentation of defense, internal security, and security policy topics was successfully created.